Monday, 2 September 2013

Sensory Box!

I have had great fun creating a Sensory Box for the start of the new term! The idea is that the staff put Sensory objects/items inside, and at quiet times such as Story Time we ask the children to lift the flap and have a feel of the item inside (without peeking!). It relies on them using their touch/feelings in relation to the unseen items in the box.

I used an old, very colourful Iron Fist shoe box! I cut out a rectangular shape hole, large enough for a child to fit there hand through. I didn't cut it completely off, so this acts as a hinge/doorway. I proceeded to stick lots of sensory items on the box to make it more decorative this included: coloured pom poms, foam letters and animal shapes, buttons, pipe cleaners, soft material and tin foil.

Here are some photos of my Sensory Box:
Side of the Box, with coloured Foam letters, asking the question: What is it?

Coloured Foam animals on the side 

Tin foil and touchy fabric on the side

The hinge/doorway on the lid of the box. I used a sparkly pipe cleaner on the top as a lifting mechanism/handle 

The top of my Sensory Box! :)

I am very excited to use this in the setting, and I cant wait to see what responses the children give us! I'm going to have great fun finding items to put in here! This will be making an appearance at Playgroup in September 2013, let me know what you think of it!

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